Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

--Stop gossiping. I have a friend (you know the one with the crazy ex-boyfriend and that filthy unbelievable habit I've told you about?) who gossips all the time and it's a really unattractive quality.

--Wear Crocs every day. I've given up on life, why not express this via footwear?

--No sex with hobos. I intend to be quite firm about this one, this year.

--Stop using "for realsies" in conversation. I mean it this time. For realsies.

--I've been WAY too active this year. In 2011, I'd like to spend more time on the couch.

--Stop obsessing over things. Stop obsessing over things. Stop obsessing over things. Stop obsessing over things. Stop obsessing over things. Stop obsessing over things. Stop obsessing over things.